2025 Facilities Construction Costs Book
The 2025 Facilities Construction Costs Book with RSMeans data is devoted specifically to the needs of professionals responsible for the maintenance, construction and renovation of commercial, industrial, municipal and institutional properties. This reference provides immediate access to every imaginable cost associated with facilities construction and renovation, plus many common maintenance items with more than 48,000 unit price line items and thousands of assemblies.
- Plumbing assembly pages for baths, kitchen sinks, lavatories, service skinks, showers, urinals, water coolers and water closets
- Reference section with more than 90 reference tables, estimating aids and technical data
Supplemental Information Included: Equipment Rentals, Crews, Historical Cost Indexes, City Cost Indexes, Location Factors, Reference Tables, Change Orders, Project Costs, Square Foot Project Size Modifier, Abbreviations
Level of Cost Detail: Unit Costs, Assemblies
The 2025 Facilities Construction Costs Book With RSMeans Data is devoted specifically to the needs of professionals responsible for the maintenance, construction and renovation of commercial, industrial, municipal and institutional properties. This reference provides immediate access to every imaginable cost associated with facilities construction and renovation, plus many common maintenance items with more than 48,000 unit price line items across 29 CSI MasterFormat Divisions and thousands of assemblies.
- Plumbing assembly pages for baths, kitchen sinks, lavatories, service sinks, showers, urinals, water coolers and water closets.
- Reference section with more than 90 reference tables, estimating aids and technical data.
Supplemental Information Included: Equipment rental costs, crew listings, Historical Cost Indexes, City Cost Indexes, location factors, reference tables, change order best practices, project size modifiers, labore trade rates including overhead and profit and common abbreviations.
Level of Cost Detail: Unit Costs, Assemblies
Labor Type: Repair & Remodel
Availability Date | Nov 24, 2024 |