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RSMeans Data Customer Stories

Learn why customers choose RSMeans Data from Gordian

to support their new building construction and renovation projects.

Trusted By

architects, engineers, estimators, contractors and other construction professionals from across North America

RSMeans Data Online Streamlines Construction Cost Estimating at Owens Corning

Discover how Owens Corning shapes the world with razor-sharp precision and how RSMeans Data Online plays a part in their expansive journey.

RSMeans Data Helps Non-Profit Deliver Critical Infrastructure Estimates

Explore the ways Atlantic Infrastructure Management Network (AIM) leverages RSMeans Data to provide in-depth infrastructure cost estimates to municipalities throughout Atlantic Canada.

Bridging Design and Construction Using RSMeans data

Architect Stuart Peaslee needed a way to differentiate his firm, so he blended his design and construction expertise with RSMeans Data to provide cost transparency to his clients.

RSMeans Data Helps Get the Job Done

“I was asked to prepare preliminary budgets for the renovation of a non-profit's facility, which allowed them to get the funding they needed for the project.”

Frank Sherman, Principal Architect, Ecotone Design LLC

"We used RSMeans Data to fill in the gaps for large demolition projects in areas where we don't possess a great deal of historical pricing or personal experience."

Jack Anderson, Chief Engineer, Kestrel Management

"RSMeans Data is accepted as an impartial industry standard for construction costs. As such, I reference it during construction cost reviews."

Ronald Semel, Cost Reviewer, State of Virginia Department of General Services

"Buildng a new data center for the IT department, and the construction costs were spot on."

Richard Macbeth, Project Manager, Tricounty Technical College

"We are doing assessments of existing facilities and were able to use RSMeans Data to provide ROM pricing for recommended upgrades."

Jason Cocek, Sustainability Specialist, C1S Group, Inc.

Renovation Projects Made Easier Using RSMeans Data

Telesis uses RSMeans Data solutions to execute successful renovation projects and transform Nebraska’s communities.

Building an Outstanding Track Record with RSMeans Data

Richard Miller plays a key role designing projects for American Home Builders and owns a sterling lifetime estimating record. Read about his success and why he’s chosen RSMeans Data as his construction cost provider for over 30 years.

RSMeans Data Online Helps a Growing Construction Company

Elizabeth Battaglia wears many hats at the growing InnoTech Construction company. To help her juggle her roles and save time on tasks, Elizabeth uses RSMeans Data Online on a daily basis.

Online Buzz Around RSMeans Data Online

Ease the Headaches of

Rebecca U.
Accounting Associate

Features & Functionality

“One of my favorite features with this software is the locator. Having the costs customized to your location is so handy and much more accurate than applying a general multiplier to each item.”

Great Starting Point for
Unique Estimates

Narom L.
Project Manager

Value for Money

“I like the tools RSMeans Data Online gives for guidance if you are unfamiliar with a particular trade.”

Estimating Made

Andrew L.
VP, Engineering

Ease of use

“Time to bid, RSMeans Data Online is your go to winner. Online program is much faster than the manual. The old way took a while and wasn't updated often enough.”

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