2025 Residential Costs Book
The 2025 Residential Costs Book with RSMeans data is aimed at estimating the cost of new single family residential construction. The residential cost data in this book is organized into square foot costs, assemblies costs and unit costs.
- Contains information on a summary level for budget purposes.
- Provides info for Economy, Average, Custom and Luxury homes.
- Detailed cost information for each component for the entire project.
Supplemental Information Included: Equipment Rentals, Crews, Location Factors, Reference Tables, Abbreviations
Level of Cost Detail: Unit Costs, Assemblies, Residential Models
The 2025 Residential Costs Book With RSMeans Data is aimed at estimating the cost of new residential construction. The book includes tasks from excavation to roofing to internal build-out, including foundations, framing, windows, doors, kitchen appliances and more across 24 CSI MasterFormat Divisions.
- Contains information on a summary level for budgetary purposes.
- Provides information for economy, average, custom and luxury homes.
- In addition to unit costs, recommended fee percentages based on total costs for taxes, insurance, architectural fees and more are included.
- Unit costs are organized in CSI MasterFormat 2018.
- Assemblies are organized in UniFormat II.
Supplemental Information Included: Localization factors, equipment rental costs, crew listings, reference tables and common abbreviations.
Level of Cost Detail: Unit Costs, Assemblies, Residential Square Foot Costs
Labor Type: Residential
Availability Date | Nov 6, 2024 |