The 2024 Green Building Costs Book with RSMeans data is designed to aid construction professionals estimate, plan and budget the costs of green construction—both new commercial construction and renovation work. A wide array of green building products and systems—from high efficiency heating, cooling and electrical plumbing, to photovoltaic panels, green roofs and win power, to high performance glass and more.
- Must-have data for a rebounding construction market with continual improvement to sustainable design
- Assemblies and unit price sample estimates in both print and electronic format along with a square foot section with full, green cost models for 25 building types
Supplemental Information Included: Equipment Rentals, Crews, Historical Cost Indexes, City Cost Indexes, Location Factors, Reference Tables, Change Orders, Project Costs, Square Foot Project Size Modifier, Abbreviations
Level of Cost Detail: Unit Costs, Assemblies, Green Commercial Models