Sign up for a free trial of RSMeans powerful construction cost estimating software.

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Maximize your IBM TRIRIGA ROI

with better maintenance, repair and facility cost data


Accurate and up-to-date cost information with RSMeans data formatted specifically for TRIRIGA



Improve maintenance, repair, or replacement cost accuracy and minimize cost overrun risk


Validate capital plans and defend budgets with industry standard RSMeans data


Prioritize, justify and budget short- and long-term repair and maintenance costs


Eliminate back and forth or holes in data with seamless Uniformat cost data

RSMeans data + TRIRIGA works for UCOP

UCOP (University of California Office of the President) integrated RSMeans data into TRIRIGA
to drive “apples-to-apples” across its asset portfolio within UC’s Integrated Capital Asset Management Program.

Commercial Construction Cost Estimating Database

Learn more about RSMeans data

RSMeans data is North America's leading provider of facilities maintenance, repair, renovation and new construction cost data. Prices are automatically updated for over 930 locations across the United States.

Talk to a TRIRIGA integration specialist:

Whether you are developing facilities conditions assessments, benchmarking vendor pricing, weighing deferred maintenance projects and forecasting opportunities, or developing capital planning strategies, RSMeans data is configured to make your facilities efforts easier and more efficient.